기독 영어

유창한 영어회화를 원하는 분

열국의 어미 2010. 5. 5. 17:16



Do you ~


Do you have lunch?

Do you enjoy your stay?

Do you meet your friend?

Do you hate her?

Do you miss him?

Do you take a picture

Do you remember me?

Do you make money?

Do you speak ill of me?

Do you speak well of me?

Do you borrow the book?

Do you read news a paper?

Do you call me up?

Do you enjoy your stay here?

Do you go to the company?

Do you live near here? - No I don't live ~

Do you work today?- No I don't work ~


Do you think nicely of me?   나를 좋게 생각하십니까?

Do you think nothing of me?  나를 대단치 않게 생각하십니까?

- No I don't think nothing of you.

Do you think hardly of me?  당신은 나를 나쁘게 생각 하십니까?

Did you walk here? -No, I didn't~

will you be here today ?

Did you finish working?_ no, I didn't

Did you forget the number?


Do you need money? -No, I don't need money.

Do you use a vending machine?


Did you waste your income? 당신은 수입을 낭비했나요?

Did you lose your wallet? - No, I didn't~


Did you waste your income ?

Did you happen to forget the reference number? 당신은 혹시 참고 번호를 잊어버렸나요?

Did you used to wear casual clothes last year? 작년에 당신은 평복을 입곤 했었나요?

Did you used to use vending machine everyday ? 당신은 매일 자동 판매기를 사용하곤 했었나요?

Do you intend to break traffic Law? 당신은 교통 법규를 어길 작정이세요?

Do you need to invite guests? 당신은 손님을 초청할 필요가 있나요?

Do you like to brush your teeth? 당신은 이빨 닦는 것을 좋아하십니까?

Do you plan to sell your car? 당신은 차를 팔 계획입니까?

Did you use to oversleep everymorning? 매일 아침 당신은 늦잠을 자곤 했나요

Do you intend to go to bed at midnight? 자정에 취침할 작정입니까?

Do you want to work for trading company ? 당신은 무역회사에 근무하길 원하세요?

Do you expect to live near here ? 당신은 이 근처에 살기를 기대하십니까?

Do you have to finish working right now? 당신은 당장 일을 끝내야 합니까?

Do you have to stop in drug store? 당신은 약국에 들러야 합니까?

Do you have to call me up ? 당신은 나에게 전화해야 합니까?

Do you have to go to the company each day? 당신은 그날 그날 회사에 가야합니까?



Do you prefer warm weather ? 더운 날씨를 더 좋아 하세요?

Did you wash your face and hands? 세수를 하셨어요?


want to- 원하다, 바라다

have to -해야만 한다

used to- 하곤 했다( 습관)

intent to - 할 작정이다

happen to -혹시 ~하다

like to - 하고 싶다

plan to -계획이다

need to -필요가 있다

expect to- 기대하다


Do you want to make reservations?

Do you want to go to America?

Do you want to take a job ?

Do you want to arrive here on time?

Do you have to support your family ?

Do have to cancel reservations?

Do you intend to ask me for money? 당신은 나에게 돈을 부탁할 작정입니까?







can you ~


can you wake up at 6 o'clock ? -No, I can't

can you send a fex? - No, I can't

can you bring your lunch tomorrow ?_ No, I can't~

can you wear casual clothes? -No,

can you mail a letter - No, I cant~

can you take a picture ?

can you call me up ?

can you stand the heat ? 당신은 더위를 참을 수 있나요?

can you agree with me? 나에게 동의 할 수 있나요?

can you repair the door? - No, I can't repair the door.

can you rent the house? 집을 임대할 수 있나요 ?

can you explain the project ? 계획을 설명할 수 있나요 ?

can you win the lottery? 복권에 당선 할수 있나요?

can you support your family?



Will you ~



Will you come here tomorrow? - No, I won't come here tomorrow.

will you go straight home? -no, I won't go~

will you be with me? -No, I won't be ~

will you leave for home?- No, I won't~

 will you buy some gifts ?

Will you visit me?- No, I won't~


will you deposit money in the bank? 당신은 은행에 돈을 예치할겁니까?

will you leave here after class? 당신은 수업 후에 여길 떠날 예정입니까?

Will you break the regulations? 규정을 어길 겁니까?

will you cancel reservation ? 예약을 취소 할 것입니까?

will you ask me for money? 나에게 돈을 부탁 하실겁니까?



-강성구의' 유창한 영어 회화를 원하시는 분1' 에서