1. Of + 추상명사 = 형용사구
* a man of ability = an able man.
* a man of use = a useful man.
* a man of wisdom = a wise man.
* a man of sense = a sensible man.
* a man of learning = a learned man.
* of use = useful, of valuable = valuable,
* a man of experience = an experienced man.
* of experience = experienced, of importance = important.
2. 전치사 + 추상명사 = 부사구
* with ease = easily : 쉽게.
* in succession = successively : 연속적으로.
* with kindness = kindly : 친절하게.
* in reality = really : 사실상.
* with fluency = fluently : 유창하게.
* in haste = hastily : 급히.
* with safety = safely.
* in earnest = earnestly : 진지하게.
* with care = carefully.
* by accident = accidentally : 우연히.
* with patience = patiently.
* to perfection = perfectly : 완전하게.
* with rapidity = rapidly : 재빨리.
* on purpose = purposely : 고의적으로.
* without doubt : 의심할바없이.
* on occasion = occasionally : 때때로.
* without hesitation : 주저하지 않고.
3. 상호복수 : 두개 이상의 것이 상호적으로 작용해야 할 경우에는 반드
시 복수형태를 해야한다.
* shake hands with : 악수하다.
change cars : 차를 갈아타다.
exchange seats with : 자리를 바꾸다.
be friends with : ~와 친구사이다.
take turns : ~교대하다.
make friends with : ~와 친구가 되다.
exchange letters with : 편지를 교환하다.
be on good terms with : ~와 사이가 좋다.
4. 특수한 형용사
① father
* fatherly: 아버지의, 아버지 같은. * paternal[pətə:nəl]: 아버지의, 부계의.
* paternal care : 아버지의 보살핌. * fatherly love : 부성애.
② mother
* motherly: 어머니다운. * maternal[mədə:nəl]: 어머니의. * maternal instincts: 모성본능.
③ sun
* solar: 태양의. * sunny: 햇볕이 잘드는, 양지바른.
④ moon
* lunar[lu:nə]: 달의.
⑤ sea
* marine[məri:n]: 바다의, 선박의, 해군의.
⑥ see
* visible: 보이는, 볼 수 있는. ≠ invisible: 보이지 않는.
⑦ hear
* audible: 들리는, 청취할 수 있는. ≠ inaudible: 들리지 않는.
⑧ eat
* eatable[i:təbl]: 먹을 수 있는. * edible[edibl]: 먹기에 좋은, 독성이 없는.
⑨ carry
* portable: 휴대할 수 있는, 이동 가능한.
⑩ town
* urban[ə:ɻbən]: 도시의. 도시에 있는. ≠ country → rural[ruərəl]: 시골의.
⑩ read
* readable: 읽기 쉬운. 읽을 수 있는. * legible : 일기 쉬운.
5. 제거․박탈동사
rob + 대상자 + of + 물건.
deprive A of B: A에게서 B를 강탈하다.
◇참고: He stole my watch from me.
= I had my watch stolen. (have + 물건 + p․p)
= My watch was stolen.
(물건이 주어인 경우 be stolen을사용)
◇ be stolen의 주어는 도둑당한 그 물건 자체이며, be robbed of ~ 의
주어는 사람이다.
* strip A of B: A에게서 B를 벗기다, 몰수하다.
* clear A of B: A에게서 B를 치우다, 제거하다.
* cure A of B: A에게서 B를 치료하다, 제거하다.
* relieve A of B: A로부터 B를 제거하다, 훔치다.
6. Not ~ till (until)
* I did not know the fact, till(until) the next morning.
= It was not till the next morning that I knew the fact.
= Not till the next morning did I know the fact.
= only after the next morning did I know the fact.
* not A till B: B하고 나서야 비로소 A하다.
◇ nott till the next morning을 문두로 도치시키면 반드시
조동사 + 주어 + 본동사의 형태로 해야한다.
7. cannot but + 원형동사
* I cannot but laugh.
= I cannot choose but laugh. (cannot choose but + 원형동사)
= I cannot help laughing. (cannot help + ~ing)
avoid avoid
= I cannot keep from laughing.(cannot keep from + ~ing)
= I have no choice but to laugh.
= I have no alternative but laugh.
= Nothing remains but to laugh.
= There is nothing for it but to laugh.
= How can I help laughing?
* not so much A as B = not A so much as B = less A than B
= B rather than A = A라기 보다는 오히려 B이다.
◇He is not so much a scholar as a statesman.
= He is not a scholar so much as a statesman.
= He is a statesman rather than a scholar.
* not so much as = not even = ~조차도 못한다.
◇She can not so much as write her own name.
= She can not even write her own name.
* not much = 너무 ~은 아니다.
◇He is not much of a scholar.(그는 대단한 학자는 아니다.)
I do not see much of him. (나는 그를 자주 만나지는 않는다.)
* without so much as = without even = ~조차도 없이.
◇He left without so much as saying goodbye to me.
8. 혼동하기 쉬운 형용사
* comparative : 비교의, 비교상의.
comparable : ~에 필적하는, ~과 비교할 수 있는.
* continual : 계속적인, 번번이 일어나는.
continuous : 연속적인.
* considerable: 많은, 상당한.
considerate : 동정심 많은, 사려깊은.
considering : ~을 고려하면, ~에 비해.
* credible [kredəbl] : 신용할 수 있는, 믿을 수 있는.
credulous[kredjuləs] : 잘 속는, 잘 믿는.
* desirable[dizaiərəbl]: 바람직한, 호감이 가는.
desirous [dizaiərəs] : 원하는.
* economic : 경제학의, 경제적인, 경제의.
economical : 절약하는, 낭비하지 않는.
* healthy : 건강한, 건장한.
healthful : 건강에 좋은.
* historic : 역사적으로 유명한, 역사적인.
historical : 역사에 관한.
* industrious : 근면한.
industrial : 산업의, 공업의.
* imaginative : 상상력이 풍부한.
imaginary : 가상적인, 비현실적인.
imaginable : 상상할 수 있는.
* momentous : 중대한.
momentary : 순간적인.
* literal : 문자의, 글자의, 원문에 충실한.
literary : 문학의, 작가의.
literate : 학식이 있는. (≠ illiterate; 문맹의)
* luxurious[lʌgʒuəriəs] : 사치스러운, 호화스러운.
luxuriant[lʌgʒuəriənt]: 번성한, 풍부한, 무성한.
* memorable : 기억할만한.
memorial : 기념의, 기념이 되는.
* practical : 실제적인, 실천적인, 실용적인.
practicable : 사용할 수 있는, 실천할 수 있는.
* sensible : 분별있는, 현명한, 깨닫고 있는.
sensitive : 민감한, 섬세한, 상하기 쉬운.
* respectable : 존경할만한, 훌륭한.
respectful : 경의를 표하는, 공손한.
◇ ‘명사 + ly’가 부사 아닌 형용사형인 것.
* likely : 그럴듯한, 있음직한, ~할 것 같은.
* timely : 때에 알맞은.
* orderly : 정돈된, 규칙적인, 규율있는.
* lovely : 사랑스러운, 아름다운.
* cowardly : 겁많은, 비겁한.
* bodily : 몸의, 신체의.
* friendly : 친구다운, 우호적인, 친절한.
* daily : 매일의, 나날의, (부) 매일, 날마다.
* monthly : 매달의, 월 1회의 (부) 매달, 달마다.
* motherly : 어머니의, 모친의.
* fatherly : 아버지의.
◇직유 ‘as ~ as’ 의 형태
* as white as snow : 눈처럼 하얀.
* as blind as bat : 박쥐처럼 눈이 먼.
* as poor as a church mouse: 교회 새앙쥐처럼 가난한.
형용사의 불규칙변화
* good (well) - better - best.
* bad (ill) - worse - worst.
* many (much) - more - most.
* little - less - least.
* old - older - oldest : 나이먹은, 늙은.
elder - eldest : 연상의.(혈연관계의 장유의 순서)
◇He is three years older than I.
He is my elder brother.
* late - later - latest : 늦은, 나중의. (시간적 개념)
- latter - last : 마지막의. (순서적 개념)
◇the latest news.(최근의 소식), the last news.(마지막 소식)
* far - farther - farthest: 먼. (거리적 개념)
- further - furthest: 먼. (정도적 개념)
◇As I was very tired, I could not walk any farther.
(내가 매우 피곤했으므로, 나는 더이상 걸을 수가 없었다.)
We must get further information.
(우리는 더 많은 정보를 입수해야한다.)
라틴어 비교급
: 어미가 -or인 형용사의 비교급은 than 대신에 to를 사용하며, 이 때
to는 전치사 “to + 목적격”, 즉 superior, inferior, senior, junior,
exterior, interior, anterior, posterior, major, minor 등으로 사용
◇He is three years senior to me.
He is my senior by three years.
* as ~ as : 동등비교.
* not so ~ as: 열등비교.
◇She is as tall as Tom.
She is not so tall as Tom.
* She is as kind as Tom.
She is as like as beautiful.
◇동일인의 두가지면을 말할 땐 as A as B의 형식으로 ‘B하려니와 A하
다’와 같이 번역.
* He is as poor as (poor) can be.
= He is as poor as anything.
◇ as A as (A) can be, as A as anything: 더할나위 없이, 극도로 A 하는.
* He walked as fast as possible.
= He walked as fast as he could.
◇ as A as possible, as A as one can : 될수 있는 한 A하게
* He was as brave as any man in the world.
He is as great a statesman as ever lived.
◇ as ~ as any + 명사 : 어느 누구에게도 못지 않게 ~한
◇ as ~ as ever + 과거동사 : 지금까지 ~한,(최상급의 뜻)
누구에게도 못지않게 ~한
* He is five inches taller than Mary.
* This is much bigger than that. (이것은 그것보다 훨씬 크다.)
◇much, still, even, (by) far 등이 비교급과 함께 쓰여서 비교급을
강조하며 ‘훨씬, 한층’의 뜻으로 쓰인다.
②절대비교: 비교의 상대없이 비교급을 쓰는 경우.
* the younger generation. (젊은 세대)
* the higher classes. (상류계급)
* higher education. (고등교육)
* The greater part of the students are teen-agers.
(학생들의 대부분은 10대들이다.)
* Her upper teen have to be pulled. (그녀는 웃니를 빼야한다.)
* Mary is less tall than Tom.
= Mary is not so tall as Tom.
동일인, 동일인물의 비교
◇같은 사람(동일인) 또는 같은 물건의 서로 다른 성질을 비교할 때는
음절에 관계없이 more + 원급 + than의 형태를 쓴다.
* He is cleverer than his brother.
* He is more clever than honest. (= rather)
the + 비교급
: 비교급 앞에는 원칙적으로 정관사 the를 사용하지 않지만 다음의 경
우엔 예외적으로 정관사 the를 사용한다.
① of A and B 또는 of the two 등의 구가 있을 때.
* Tom is the taller of the two.
②원인이나 이유를 표시하는 부사구 또는 부사절이 있을 경우.
* He worked the harder, because his master praised him.
③ the + 비교급 ..... the + 비교급 ......
* The more one has, the more wants.
① A is no more B than C is D
= A is not B any more than C is D
= A is not B just as C is not D
= A가 B가 아닌 것은 C가 D가 아닌 것과 같다. (양자부정)
◇A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).
② A is no less B than C is D
= C가 D인 것과 만찬가지로 A가 B이다. (양자긍정)
* He is no less guilty as you are.
= He is as much guilty as you are.
(네가 죄가 있는 것과 마찬가지로, 그도 죄가 있다.)
* He was no less a person than the president.
(그는 다른 사람이 아닌 바로 대통령 자신이었다.)
◇no less a person than ~ : 다름아닌 바로 ~인.
③ not ~ more than … : 이상은 ~이 아니다.
not ~ less than … : ~보다 덜 ~하지 않다, ~에 못지않게 ~하다.
* He is not more diligent than you are.
* Light is not less necessary than fresh air to health.
(빛은 신선한 공기 못지않게 건강에 필요하다.)
④ no more than = only : 겨우, 단지.
no less than = as many as = as much as : ~만큼이나.
not more than = at most : 기껏해야.
not less than = at least : 적어도.
* He has no more than 10,000 won.(그는 겨우 만원밖에 없다.)
He has no less than 10,000 won.(그는 만원이나 갖고 있다.)
* I have not more than three hundred books.
(나는 기껏해야 300권의 책을 가지고 있다.)
* I have not less than three hundred books.
(나는 적어도 300권의 책을 가지고 있다.)
* She is the most diligent (girl) of our classmates. (= in our class)
* He is the tallest of all his classmates.
◇최상급 앞에는 원칙적으로 정관사 the를 쓸 것. of 다음에는 복수보통명사를,
in 다음에는 단수명사를 쓸 것.
* The boy studies hardest of them all.
* He runs fastest of all.
◇형용사의 최상급 앞에는 the를 사용, 부사의 최상급에는 the를 사용치 않음.
* She is by far the tallest player in the team.
◇최상급을 강조할 땐 by far를 사용.
* 절대최상급
◇This is a most interesting book to me.
△a most = a very.
most people: 대부분의 사람들. the most: 가장 ~한.
at best: 기껏해야. at most: 많아야.
* He is the last man to tell a lie. (그는 거짓말 할 사람이 절대 아니다.)
None, No의 용법
* none: 단독으로 쓰여 부정대명사.
no : 명사에 붙어 형용사로 쓰임.
* none은 원래 no one의 뜻으로 대명사로서 단수, 복수 어느 쪽에나 쓰
이지만 가산명사를 나타낼 때는 보통 복수 취급을 한다.
* no는 I have~, There is~ 문형에서 not any 대신에 쓰여 「조금도 ~
아닌」의 뜻을 나타낸다.
* None have succeeded in solving the problem. (아무도 그 문제를 풀지 못했다.)
He sought rest and found none. (그는 휴식을 찾았으나 조금도 찾지 못했다.)
* I have no children. (나는 어린애가 없다.)
There is no hope. (희망은 조금도 없다.)
He is no genius. (그는 결코 천재가 아니다.)
◇ He is no genius.는 He is not a genius. 보다 강한 뜻이다.
◇ each, every, all 등이 부정어와 함께 쓰이면 부분부정이 된다.
① not + both: 둘 다 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
* I know both of them. (완전긍정)
* I do not know both of them. (부분부정)
* I do not know either of them.
= I know neither of them. (완전긍정)
② not + all: 모두가(셋 이상일 때) ~ 한 것은 아니다.
* I invited all of them. (완전긍정)
* I did not invite all of them. (부분부정)
* I did not invite any of them. (완전부정)
= I invited none of them.
◇ not + any = none.
* All is not gold that glitters. (부분부정)
③ not + every: 누구나(어느것이나) ~ 한 것은 아니다.
* Everybody likes her. (완전긍정)
* Everybody does not like her. (부분부정)
* Nobody likes her. (완전부정)
◇ Every + not의 완전부정은 nobody(사람인 경우), nothing(사물인 경우).
* not + always: 항상 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
◇ The rich are not always happy.
The rich are never happy.
* not + completely : 완전히 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
◇ Not all of the crew completely happy.
* not + entirely = not + altogether: 전적으로 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
◇ You are not entirely free from blame.
◇ I do not altogether agree with him.
* not + necessarily: 반드시 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
◇ The greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quickest.
* not + absolutely : 절대적으로 ~ 한 것은 아니다.
⇒ not ~ in the least = not ~ at all = never: 결코 ~ 이 아니
다. (완전부정)
At all, -thing, -body의 용법
① at all.
* They are not interested at all. (조금도 ~이 아니다)
* If you do it at all do it well. (조건문; 적어도, 기왕에)
* Do you believe it at all? (의문문; 도대체)
* I am surprised that he passed the exam at all. (평서문; 어쨌든)
* There are very little if at all. (관용적; 있다손치더라도)
② -thing, -body.
: any와 some의 용법에 준한다.
* Is there anything interesting in today's paper?
* Is anybody in the room?
* I saw something white in the dark.
◇ -thing의 대명사를 수식하는 형용사는 대개 그 뒤에 온다.
* everything: 「둘 중 하나」, something: 「상당한 것」, nothing: 「하찮은 것」.
◇ Money is everything to her.
He thinks something of himself.
If want to be anybody, you must make efforts.
She was a humble nobody a few years ago.
Either, Neither, both.
* Do you know either of the two sisters? (둘 중의 하나)
Do you know any of the sisters? (셋 이상 중의 하나)
◇ either side = both side.
* If you do not go, I will not, either.
If you will not do so, neither will I.
◇ not과 too는 같이 못쓰며 too 대신 either를 쓴다.
not either = neither, neither will I = nor will I.
* I do not know both of the sisters. (그 두자매를 다 알지는 못한다.)
◇ … not + both = 부분부정.
관계대명사 What
* What(that which) is beautiful is not always good. (주어「명사절」)
* I will do what(all that) I can. (목적어「명사절」)
◇관계대명사 what은 선행사를 포함한다: what = 선행사 + 관계대명사.
what은 that which~, all that~, anything that~, the thing which~와
같은 용법이다.
∴ what은 자체내에 선행사와 관계대명사가 포함되었으며 명사절을 유도한다.
* What one has: 재산, What one is : 인격.
◇ You should judge a man not by what he has but by what he is.
* A is to B what C is to D
= Just as C is to D, so is A to B
= What C is to D, A is to B
= A가 B에 대한 관계는 C가 D에 대한 관계와 같다.
◇ Reading is to the mind what(as) exercise is to the body.
= Just as exercise is to the body, so is reading to the mind.
= What exercise is to the body, reading is to the mind.
(독서가 마음에 대한 관계는 운동이 신체에 대한 관계와 같다.)
* What is + 비교급: 더욱 ~ 한 것은.
◇ She is beautiful, and what is better still, tender-hearted.
* What with A and (what with) B
= 한편으로는 A 때문에, 또 한편으로는 B 때문에. (원인, 이유)
◇ What with fatigue and (what with) hunger, he fell down as if he were dead.
(피곤도 하고 배도 고프고 해서 그는 죽은 사람처럼 쓰러졌다.)
* What by A and (what by) B. (수단, 방법)
= 한편으로는 A에 의해서, 또 한편으로는 B에 의해서...
◇ What by threats and (what by) entreaties, he achieved his aim.
(협박도 하고 또 간청도 해서, 그는 그의 목적을 달성했다.)
* He is, what we call, a self-made man.
(그는 소위 자수성가한 사람이다.)
관계대명사의 제한적 용법과 계속적 용법
* He had three sons, who became statesmen. (계속적용법, who = and they)
* He had three sons who became statesmen. (제한적, 한정적 용법)
◇제한적 용법: 관계대명사가 이끄는 형용사절이 앞에 있는 선행사를
수식하며 제한, 또는 한정하는 경우를 제한적 용법이라고 하며, 관계
대명사 앞에 ,(comma)가 없고 뒤에서 올려 번역한다.
◇계속적 용법: 관계대명사 앞에 ,(comma)가 있으며 선행사를 수식, 그
것에 관해 설명을 하는 경우를 계속적 용법이라고 하며, 접속사(and,
but, for, though) + 대명사의 역할을 한다. 또한 이것은 위로부터
내려 번역하며 관계대명사의 생략이 불가능하고 that은 이 용법에 쓸
수 없다.
* He had four sons who became doctors.
→ 제한적 용법 - 의사가 아닌 아들이 또 있었는지도 모른다.
He had four sons, who became doctors.
→ 계속적 용법 - 아들 넷이 있었는데, 모두 의사가 되었다.
* Everybody likes Tom, who is kind. ( , who = for he)
(모두 Tom을 좋아한다. 왜냐하면 그는 친절하기 때문이다.)
I met a boy, who told me the news. ( , who = and he)
(나는 한 소년을 만났는데, 그가 그 소식을 나에게 말했다.)
The farmer, who is poor, is honest. ( , who = though he)
(그 농부는 비록 가난하지만 정직하다.)
타동사로 착각하기 쉬운 자동사
* ~을 좋아하다. : graduate from + 목 (O) → graduate + 목 (X)
* ~을 불평하다. : complain of + 목
* ~을 기다리다. : wait for + 목
* ~을 실험하다. : experiment with + 목
* ~을 동정하다. : sympathize with + 목
* ~을 방해하다. : interfere with + 목
* ~을 승낙하다. : consent to + 목
* endow A with B : A에게 B를 수여하다. 주다.
* entrust A with B = entrust B to A : A에게 B를 맡기다. 위임하다.
* supply A with B = supply B for A : A에게 B를 공급하다.
* provide A with B = provide B for A : A에게 B를 공급하다.
* furnish A with B = furnish B to A : A에게 B를 설치하다. 공급하다.
* present A with B = present B to A : A에게 B를 주다. 선사하다.
* fill A with B : A에게 B를 채우다.
* equip A with B : A에게 B를 갖추게하다, 장비하다.
May, Might의 용법
* May I smoke here?
- Yes, you may.
- No, you may (must) not.
* He may be rich.
= It is possible that he is rich. (현재의 추측, may + 원형)
* He may have been rich.
= It is possible that he was rich. (과거의 추측, may have + p.p)
*가정법 과거완료 = might have + p.p.
* He may meet her. (= It is possible that he meets her.)
(그는 그를 만날지도 모른다; 현재의 추측)
He may have meet her. (= It is possible that he met her.)
(그는 그녀를 과거에 만났을지도 모른다; 과거의 추측)
He might have met her.
= He might have met her, if he had not been busy. (가정법 과거완료)
= He did not meet her, as he was busy. (직설법 과거)
* Gather roses while you may. (시기를 놓치지 마라)
* A man may be known by his friends.
* Whatever he may do he will not succeed.
No matter what he may do
Do what he will
* He may be called a poet, but he cannot be called a scholar.
* May be rest in peace ! (편히잠드소서!, 기원문)
* Might I ask your mane? (공손)
* He may well say so. (~하는 것은 당연하다)
= He says so, and well he may.
= He has good reason to say so.
= It is natural that he should say so.
no wonder
a matter of course
not surprising
= I take it for granted that he says so.
◇ may + well + 원형동사: ~하는 것은 당연하다.
과거: may well have + p.p.
* You may as well??? begin at once.
might as well?
had better??? → ~하는게 좋다.
◇ may (might) as well A as B: B하느니 차라리 A하는게 낫다.
실현가능 : may ~
실현불가능: might ~
△You may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.
(그것을 불완전하게 아느니, 차라리 전혀 모르는 것이 낫다.)
You might as well reason with the wolf as try to persuade him.
(그를 설득하려고 시도하는 것은 이리를 설득하려는 것과 같다.)
* I can speak English. (현재시제 = be able to)
과거 : I was able to speak English.
미래 : I will be able to speak English.
현재완료: I have been able to speak English.
과거완료: I had been able to speak English.
미래완료: I will have been able to speak English.
◇ can의 과거: was able to.
be able to~의 부정: be unable to~
②추측, 강한 의혹.
* Who can he be? (도대체 누구일까?) (강한 부정적 추측)
* Can it be true? (도대체 그게 사실일까?) (강한 부정적 추측)
◇ can, cannot 등의 의문, 부정문에서 ‘도대체 ~일까, ~일리가 없
다’의 뜻을 나타내어 강한 의혹이나 부정적인 추측을 표현하는데 쓰
* He cannot be honest. (현재의 추측, 그는 정직할리가 없다)
= It is impossible that he is honest.
* He cannot have been honest. (과거의 추측)
= It is impossible that he was honest.
◇ cannot이 추측을 나타낼 땐 과거형에 could not을 사용치 않고,
반드시 cannot + have + p.p. 형태를 사용할 것.
* You can go home now. (허가)
* Could you show me the way to the station? (공손)
* We cannot be too careful of our health.
* We cannot praise him too much. (아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않다)
①필요, 의무 (must + 의지동사)
* You must go there.
= It is necessary that you should go there.
= It is necessary for you to go there.
◇ must의 부정어는 need not, do not need to, do not have to,
have not to 등이 있음.
* You must go there.
의: Do you have to go there?
과: You had to go there.
미: You will have to go there.
* You have only to do your duty. (~하기만하면 된다)
②추측 (must + 무의지동사)
* He must be honest. (현재의 추측)
= I am sure that he is honest.
It is certain
= It is impossible that he is honest.
≠ He cannot be honest.
* He must have been honest. (과거의 추측)
= I am sure that he was honest.
= It is impossible that he was honest.
≠ He cannot have been honest.
* He must needs come. (꼭 ~한다고 고집하다)
* Sooner or later, death must come to us all!
(필연; 반드시 ~하다. 조만간 죽음은 우리 모두에게 다가온다)
* You must not tell a lie. (금지; ~해서는 안된다)
≠ You may tell a lie. (허가; ~해도 좋다)
* I think that I must go.
과거: I thought that I must go.
Will, Would
① Will : 현재의 불규칙적 습관. (~하곤하다)
Would: 과거의 불규칙적 습관. (~하곤했다)
* He will often sit up reading all night.
* He would often come home drunk, and beat his wife.
②소망 (wish to, want to)
* He who would search for pearls, must dive deep.
* Would that I were young again!
Would to God
I wish
③거절, 고집.
* The door will not open. (현재의 고집)
* He would not help me. (과거의 고집)
④습관, 경향 (He'll과 같이 생략형을 쓸 수가 없다)
* Accident will happen.
* Dogs will bark when they see a stranger.
* This vessel will hold 2 gallons of water. (포용력)
* Would you pass me the salt? (공손)
* He would be about twenty, when he met her. (추측)
* He was a strong will. (그는 강한 의지를 갖고 있다)
* He made his will before his death.
◇ will이 명사로 쓰이면 “의지, 뜻, 의사, 유언” 등으로 쓰임.
* I would rather die (than) live in dishonor.
would sooner
had rather
= I would choose death before life in dishonor.
= I prefer dying to living in dishonor. (전치사 + 명사,동명사)
= I prefer to die rather than (to) live in dishonor.
= 불명예스럽게 사느니 죽는 것이 낫다.
Should Ⅰ
①의무 (should + 원형동사: ~해야한다)
* The young should respect the old.
◇ ‘should + 동사원형’은 ‘ought to + 동사원형’과 마찬가지로 의무
“~해야한다”의 뜻.
②과거의 비난, 유감, 후회 (should + have + p.p.; ~했어야했는데)
* You should have worked harder.
ought to
= I am sorry (that) you didn't work harder.
= I wish you had worked harder.
Would that
Would to God
If only
= You had to work harder, but you didn't.
③강한의문, 놀람, 당연 (의문사 + should)
* Why should you stay in Seoul in this hot weather?
◇ should가 why, how, who 등의 의문문에서 강한 의문, 놀람, 당연
등으로 쓰이면 “도대체 ~인가?”의 뜻.
* How should I know it? (수사의문문)
= I don't know it at all.
◇ Who should A but b? : 도대체 누가 A하는가 했더니 다름아닌 바로 B이더라.
④이성적 판단의 should.
* It is natural that he should get angry.
= It is natural for him to get angry.
= He may well get angry.
◇ It is + 형 + that~ 구문에서 형용사 necessary, important,
natural, good, well, right, wrong, rational 등이 오면 that절
에 should를 사용한다. (해석할 필요는 없음)
⑤감정적 판단의 should.
* It is strange that she should cry all day long.
◇ It is 다음에 a pity, surprising, odd, strange, curious 등이
쓰이면 that~에 should를 사용하며, “~하다니”로 해석한다.
should + 동사원형 → 현재의 일.
should + have + p.p. → 과거의 일.
* He should arrive by the 6:15 train. (추측)
* I should like to go to America once more. (완곡한 표현)
* Write it down in your notebook lest you should forget it.
* He lowered his voice for fear that he should be heard.
→ “~하지 않도록”, 자체 속에 부정의 뜻 포함. should 다음에 not
을 쓰지 않도록 주의 할 것.
Should Ⅱ
충고: advice, advisable.???
주장: insist, demand.? + that + 주어 + should + 동사원형
소망: desire, expect.?
요구: require, request.?
제안: propose, move, suggest.?
명령: order.???
* He insisted that he (should) go to the party.
= He insisted on (또는 upon) going to the party.
* I ordered that he (should) do it himself.
Ought to
①당연, 의무.
* You ought to start at once. (~해야한다, should와 거의 같은 뜻)
* You ought not to say such things. (부정; ought not to~)
②과거의 유감, 후회, 비난.
* You ought to have told me that matter yesterday.
= You should have told me that matter yesterday.
= I am sorry (that) you did not tell me that matter yesterday.
= I wish you had told me that matter yesterday.
(너는 어제 그일을 나에게 말했어야 했는데...)
◇ought to + have + p.p는 과거에 실행되지 못한 일에 대해 유감, 비난, 후회를 나
타내며 ‘~했어야했는데’의 뜻을 갖는다.
* He ought to have arrived at Seoul Station by now.
(그는 지금쯤 마땅히 서울역에 도착해있을거야; 당연한 추측)
③미래의 추측.
* It ought to be rainy tomorrow. (당연히 ~일 것이다)
* I dare not to go there.
* How are you say such a thing to my face?
(내 면전에서 네가 감히 나에게 그런 말을 할 수 있겠는가?)
◇부정문, 의문문에서 조동사로 쓰여 “감히 ~하다”
* He does not dare to tell us.
◇ dare to do : 본동사로서 “감히 ~하다”
* I dare say = probably = perhaps = maybe = 아마.
* daily needs: 일용품.
* immediate needs: 당장 필요한 것들.
* The house is in need of repair. (명사로 필요, 소용, 결핍의 뜻)
◇in need of~: ~에 필요한. ◇in need: 곤경에 빠져있는.
* He needs your help. (본동사, 그는 너의 도움을 필요로 한다)
* He need not go there. (조동사)
= He does not need to go there. (본동사)
* He need not have written to her again.
(그는 그녀에게 편지를 다시 쓸 필요가 없었는데...(그런데도 썼다))
He did not need to write to her again.
(그는 그녀에게 편지를 다시 쓸 필요가 없었다.(썼는지의 여부는 모름))
◇need not have + p.p.: ~할 필요가 없었는데 ~를 했다.
did not need to~ : ~할 필요가 없었다, 그래서 ~하지 않았다.
Used to
① use가 명사, 동사로 쓰일 때.
* You use your legs when you walk. (동사, [ju:z])
* The telephone is of no use in this town. (명사, [ju:s])
* use up = exhaust: 다 써 버리다.
of no use = useless: 소용이 없는.
② used to + 동사원형.
* I used to get up early. ([ju:st], 과거의 규칙적 습관)
= I was in the habit of getting up early.
= I made it a rule to get up early.
= I made a point of getting up early.
= I made it a point to get up early.
* There used to be a big tree here. (과거의 상태)
③ be used to + 명사, 동명사.
* He is used to driving a car.
= He is accustomed to drive a car.
driving a car.
◇ be used to 다음에 반드시 명사 또는 동명사가 오며 “~에 익숙하다”의 뜻.
그러나 be accustomed to 다음엔 동사원형 또는 명사나 동명사가 모두 쓰임.
수동태의 시제
* Jack builds the house.
→ The house is built by Jack. (현재)
* Jack built the house.
→ The house was built by Jack. (과거)
* Jack will build the house.
→ The house will be built by Jack. (미래)
◇인칭에 따라 will, shall을 정한다.
△ He will catch me. (단순미래)
→ I shall be caught by him.
I will do it. (의지미래)
→ It shall be done (by me)
* Jack has built the house. (현재완료)
→ The house has been built by Jack.
* Jack had built the house.
→ The house had been built by Jack. (과거완료)
* Jack will have built the house.
→ The house will have been built by Jack. (미래완료)
* Jack is building the house.
→ The house is being built by Jack. (진행형)
* Jack can build the house.
→ The house can be built by Jack. (조동사)
합성동사의 수동태
◇합성동사는 수동태에서 한 단위로 취급된다.
①자동사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.
* He laughed at me. (3형식)
→ I was laughed at by him. (1형식)
②타동사 + 추상명사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.
* They took good care of the child. (3형식)
→ The child was taken good care of (by them). (1형식)
→ Good care was taken of the child (by him).
③동사 + 부사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.
* The villagers looked up to the doctor. (3형식)
→ The doctor was looked up to by the villagers. (1형식)
◇ speak well of, be well spoken of의 형태.
* They speak well of Mary.
→ Mary is spoken well of (by them). (×)
→ Mary is well spoken of (by them). (○)
분사구문의 종류
①시간 (~할 때)
* Walking along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
= While he walked along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
* Left alone, I began to read.
= When I was left alone, I began to read.
②이유, 원인 (~이므로)
* Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. (부정어는 분사 앞에)
= As I didn't know what to do, I asked for his advice.
* Tired, I went to bed early.
= As I was tired, I went to bed early.
③조건 (~한다면)
* Turning to the right, you will find the house.
= If you turn to the right, you will find the house.
* Some books, read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
= Some books, if they are read carelessly, will do more ~
④양보 (비록 ~한다할지라도)
* Admitting what you say, I still don't believe it.
= Though I admit what you say, I still don't believe it.
* Born of the same parents, they bear no resemblance to each other.
= Though they were born of the same parents, they bear ~
⑤부대상황 (동시동작: while, as; ~하면서)
* Smiling brightly, she extended her hand.
= While she smiled brightly, she extended her hand.
* Walking on tiptoe, I approached the window.
= I walked on tiptoe and approached the window.
* Singing and dancing together, we had a good time.
= As we sang and danced together, we had a good time.
⑥부대상황 (연속동작: ~, and + 동사; 그리고 ~하다)
* We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at noon.
= We started in the morning arriving in Seoul at noon.
동명사와 부정사
①동사의 특성에 따라 어떤 동사는 동명사만을 혹은 어떤 동사는 부정사
만을 목적어로 취한다.
ⓐ동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사.
: mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, finish, escape, admit, consider,
deny, postpone, practice 등...
△ I finished writing my composition.
ⓑ부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사.
: wish, hope, care, choose, expect, refuse, decide, mean, plan 등...
△ I hope to see you again.
②동명사와 부정사를 모두 목적어로 취하나 의미가 달라지는 동사.
ⓐ remember, forget + ~ ing: 과거의 일.
remember, forget + 부정사: 미래의 일.
* I remember to see him. (만날 것)
I remember seeing him. (만난 것)
* I forget posting the letter. (나는 편지 부쳤던 일을 잊고있다.)
Don't forget to post the letter. (편지 부칠 것을 잊지 마세요.)
ⓑ stop + 동명사 : ~하는 것을 그만두다.
stop + 부정사 : ~하기위해 가던 길을 멈추다.
* I stopped smoking.
I stopped to smoke.
ⓒ try + 동명사 : 시험삼아 ~하다.
try + 부정사 : ~하려고 시도하다.
* He tried moving the piano.(그는 시험삼아 피아노를 옮겼다; 옮김)
He tried to move the piano. (그는 피아노를 옮기려고 시도했다; 옮기지 않음)
ⓓ go on + 동명사 : 계속해서 ~하다.
go on + 부정사 : 쉬었다가 다시 계속하다.
* He went on talking about his accident.
(그는 줄곳 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)
He went on to talk about his accident.
(그는 잠시 쉬었다가 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)
There is no + ~ ing: ~을 할 수 없다
* There is no knowing what may happen.
= It is impossible to know what may happen.
= We cannot know what may happen.
= 무슨일이 일어날지 알 수 없다.
* There is no trusting him.
= It is impossible to trust him.
= We cannot trust him.
It is no use + ~ ing : ~해도 소용없다
* It is no use(good) crying over spilt milk.
= It is?? of no use?? to cry over spilt milk.
?? useless??
= There is no use (in) crying over spilt milk.
= What is the use (the point) of crying over spilt milk?
of one's own + ~ ing : 자기가 직접 ~하는
* This is a picture of my own painting.
which I have painted myself.
(which is) painted by myself. (p.p + by oneself)
*It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
It is needless to say
It is a matter of course
It is not too much to say
= 건강이 부보다 중요하다는 것은 두말할 필요가 없다.
cannot help ~ing : ~하지 않을 수 없다
cannot but + 동사원형: ~할 수 밖에 없다.
* I cannot help admiring his courage.
on + ~ ing, in + ~ ing
* on + ~ ing = as soon as (when) + 주어 +동사:~하자마자. ~할 때.
in + ~ ing = when + 주어 + 동사: ~할 때에는.
* As soon as he received the letter he turned pale.
= On (his) receiving the letter, he turned pale.
= He had no sooner received the letter than he turned pale.
scarcely when
hardly before
= No sooner had he received the letter, than he turned pale.
Scarcely when
Hardly before
cannot too: 아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않다
* We cannot be too careful when we choose friends.
= We cannot be too careful in choosing friends.
What, Need + 능동동명사
* What + 능동동명사 (○)
Need 수동동명사 (×)
Require 수동부정사 (○) → ~을 필요로한다. ~을 해야한다.
* His house needs being painted. (×)
wants painting. (○)
requires to be painted. (○)
동명사의 관용적 용법 Ⅰ
① be busy with + 명사.
(in) + ~ ing. : ~하는데 분주하다. 바쁘다.
* I am busy with my task.
* She was busy (in) tidying up his desk.
② feel like + ~ ing.
feel inclined + to do : ~하고 싶은 생각이 나다.
* I feel like sleeping now.
= I feel inclined to sleep now.
ware a mind to
am disposed to
③ What do you say to + ~ ing? : ~하는 게 어때?
* Let's play baseball after lunch, shall we?
= How about playing baseball after lunch?
What about
= What do you say to playing baseball after lunch.
= What do you think about playing baseball after lunch.
◇ Let's로 시작되는 부가의문문은 shall we?
④ be on the point of + ~ ing: ~하려는 찰라다, 막 ~하려고 하다.
* He was on the point of being drowned.
on the verge of
on the brink of
on the edge of
= He was about to be drowned.
⑤ cannot ~ without … ing: …않고 ~하는 일을 없다.
cannot ~ but …(S+V) : …하면 반드시 ~하다.
* Whenever I met him, I think of his brother.
= I never meet him without thinking of his brother.
= I never meet him but I think of his brother.
= 그를 만날 때 마다 그의 동생이 생각나다.
⑥ be worth ~ing
= be worth while + 동명사, 부정사
= be worthy of + 동명사, 명사
= ~할만한 가치가 있다.
* This is worth while to read this book.
= It is worth while to read this book.
관용적용법 Ⅱ
① make a point of + ~ ing : ~을 규칙으로 하다.
* I make a point of getting up early.
= I am in the habit of getting up early.
= It is my rule to get up early.
= I make it a rule to get up early.
② come near + ~ ing.
go near + ~ ing.
nearly escape + ~ ing. : 하마터면 ~할 뻔하다.
* He came near being drowned.
③ not A but B = instead of + ~ ing = not only A but also B
= besides + ~ ing
in addition to
* She is not shy, but unsocial.
= Instead of being shy, she is unsocial.
* He is not only brave, but also wise.
= Besides being brave he is wise.
To + ~ ing
① be opposed to
object to + ~ ing : ~을 반대하다.
have an objection to
* I am very much opposed to going there.
* Have you any objection to my wearing this suit?
② contribute to + ~ ing : ~에 공헌하다. 기여하다.
* He contributed to the growth of the city.
③ turn one's attention to + ~ ing (명사) : ~에 주의를 돌리다.
~에 관심을 갖다.
* He did not turn his attention to making a fortune until he was forty.
(그는 40이 되고나서야 재산 모으는데 관심을 가졌다.)
④ with a view to + ~ ing : ~하기 위하여. (for the purpose)
* I study English with a view to going abroad.
⑤ be equal to + ~ ing : ~할 능력이 있다.
* I am equal to doing the task.
⑥ revote?? A to B(동명사)
dedicate?? : A를 B에 바치다.
* He devoted all his time to studying history.
⑦ be use to + ~ ing.
be accustomed to + 동사원형(동명사) : ~에 익숙하다.
* I am used to playing the piano.
= I am accustomed to playing (또는 play) the piano.
⑧ what do you say to + ~ ing : ~하는 게 어때?
* What do you say to playing tennis with me?
⑨ take to + ~ ing : ~에 빠지다, 정이들다.
* He took to writing after he retired from the college.
⑩ look forward to + ~ ing : ~을 기대하다, 고대하다.
* I am looking forward to seeing you again.
① fall to + ~ ing = begin to + 동사원형 : ~을 시작하다.
* They fell to discussing the serious problem.
동명사 구문의 문장 전환 Ⅰ
① insist that + 주어 + 동사 = insist on + ~ ing: ~을 주장하다.
* I insisted he should be invited to the party.
= I insisted on his being invited to the party.
② decide that + 주어 + 동사 = decide on + ~ ing: ~하기로 결정하다
* My father decided that I should marry her.
= My father decided on my marrying her.
③ hear, think, complain, know, dream + that + 주어 + 동사
= hear, think, complain, know, dream + of + ~ ing
* I am glad to hear that you have succeeded.
= I am glad to hear of your having succeeded.
④ repent that + 주어 + 동사 = repent + (of) + ~ ing.
* He repent that he was idle in his youth.
= He repents (of) having been idle in his youth.
⑤ suggest, deny, regret, like + that + 주어 + 동사
= suggest, deny, regret, like + ~ ing. (타동사이므로 전치사×)
* I suggested that we should play tennis.
= I suggested our playing tennis.
문장전환 Ⅱ
① be sorry that + 주어 + 동사 = be sorry for + ~ ing
:~에 대해 유감이다.(미안, 감사, 벌, 꾸중 등을 나타낼 땐 이유전치사 for를 사용)
* I am sorry that I offended you.
= I am sorry for having offended you.
② scold, blame A for B: B 때문에 A를 꾸짖다. 나무라다.
* He scolded me that I had neglected my duty.
= He scolded me for having neglected my duty.
③ punish A for B: B 때문에 A를 벌주다.
④ be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + that + 주어 + 동사
= be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + of + ~ ing
* I am glad that my brother passed the exam.
= I am glad of my brother having passed the exam.
⑤ be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + that + 주어 + 동사
= be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + of + ~ ing
: ~을 확신하다.
* I am sure that he will live to eight.
= I am sure of his living to eighty.
⑥ be aware (conscious) + that + 주어 + 동사
= be aware (conscious) + of + ~ ing : ~을 알다.
* He was conscious that the matter was important.
= He was conscious of the matter being important.
동격명사절의 문장전환
◇주로 동격 명사절을 이끄는 문장.
* fact(사실), doubt(의심), evidence(증거), chance(기회), report(보
고), rumor(소문), proof(증거), hope(희망), news(소식), idea(생각),
certainty(확실), suggestion(제안), possibility = probability =
likelihood(가능성, 가망), conclusion(결론)
* The fact that he is honest is known to everybody.
= The fact of his being honest is known to everybody.
his honesty
◇동격명사절인 that~는 주어나 목적어, 보어 등이 생략되지 않은 완
전한 문장.
등위 접속사
① Both
* He is both a novelist and a poet.
* He is remarkable both for his intelligence and for his skill.
◇at once (alike, both) A and B: A도 B도 ~이다. (양자긍정)
◇상관접속사는 같은 품사나 상당어구를 상관적으로 연결해야하며,
연결하는 어구가 같은 형태이어야 한다.)
② either A or B: A이거나 B이다. (양자택일)
neither A nor B: A도 B도 ~이 아니다. (양자부정)
* He must either mad or drunk.
* Either of these buses goes to the stadium.
◇either A or B, neither A or B에서 동사는 동사에서 가까운 곳에
있는 주어인 B에 일치 시킨다.
* He neither had money not food. (×)
* He had neither money nor food. (○)
◇either A or B, neither A nor B에 연결되는 부분은 문법상 같은
기능을 가진 상당어구이어야 한다.
③ not only (not merely) A but (also) B
= B as well as A
= A뿐만 아니라 B도 ~이다. (동사는 B에 일치)
* He not only teaches English but also write many novels.
=Besides (In addition to)teaching English, he writes many novels.
* He gave me both food and money.
not only food but also money.
not merely food but also money.
= He gave me money as well as food.
= He gave me food, and money.
* as well = besides = in to the bargain = in addition = additionally.
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