16. God cares for a Poor Lady (2kings 4:1~7)
The poor lady was very sad. "We have no money. What shall we do?
My boys will have go work for someone else." said the poor lady.
"Maybe Elisha, the man of God, would know what to do."
So she went to Elisha. And she told him about her poor story.
"what do you have in your house?" asked Elisha.
"I have only a little jar of oil." said the poor lady.
"Go find all the jars you can." said Elisha. "Borrow many jars from your neighbors. When you have them all, go into your house and shut the door. You will have oil to fill the jars."
The mother and her two boys did what Elisha said. They closed the door. Mother began pouring oil from her one little jar into the other jars. The boys brought her one jar, then another one and another and another! The jars kept coming, and mother kept filling them with oil. Mother filled all the jars with oil. sold she would have money for her boys and herself. They were so happy and praised God. God made all the extra oil to fill the jars! God was taking care of the poor lady and her boys.
1. What did the mother need?
2. Who told the mother what to do?
3. How did the boys help their mother?
4. What did the mother do with the jars?
5. Who made all the oil to fill the jars?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
no money |
sold |
poor lady |
extra oil |
maybe |
herself |
borrow |
little |
jar |
only |
fill |
began |
neighbor |
other |
pour |
close |
another |
take care of the poor lady |
15. King Solomon
Long, long ago, When King David died, his son Solomon became the third King of Israel. Solomon loved the Lord. God always with him. He asked God to help him understand what was right and what was wrong. Solomon the wisest man in the whole world.
One day There were two women in Jerusalem who want to see the King Solomon with a big problem. Two women came before King Solomon with a baby. They lived in the same house, and both had had a baby at the same time. But one baby died. The mother of the dead baby changed her dead child for the other woman's baby.
Now Each woman said the baby was hers. Suddenly Wise King Solomon did a very strange thing. Solomon said, "Divide the living child in two." The real mother cried. "Do not kill my baby, just give to her." But the other woman agreed to have the baby cut in half. Now who do you think was the real mother? King Solomon decided, and gave the baby to her. The real mother bowed down to the king Solomon. King Solomon became very rich and powerful.
1. Who was King Solomon's father?
2. Who was the wisest man in the world?
3. What did Solomon do for baby?
4. Why did real mother reject to cut a baby?
5. What do you think about Solomon's decision? was it right?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
third |
real |
ask |
strange |
whole world |
devide |
problem |
half |
same house |
agree |
both |
decide |
change |
bow down |
child |
the wisest man |
suddenly |
wrong |
14. Samson and Delilah
Long, long ago, the baby was born in Israel. His name was Samson. God said to his mother, "You must never cut his hair. He is going to save your people from the power of the Philistines." God was with Samson. Samson grew tall and strong. He could kill a lion with his bare hands. The Philistines had heard of Samson, and they sent an army to find him. When they found him in a cave, they tied Samson up with two ropes and they brought him down the mountain. Suddenly the power of God came over Samson, he broke the ropes and defeated the Philistine army. "We must find the secret of Samson's strength!" the Philistine King said. So they went to Delilah, Samson's wife. Delilah was paid by them to find out the secret of his strength. That night, Delilah asked him, "what makes you strong?" "If you tie me up with seven ropes, I will be like any man." The next night, while Samson was sleeping, Delilah tied him up with seven ropes. "Samson! The Philistines are coming!" she shouted. And Samson jumped up and broke the ropes. "You tricked me!" She kept asking him and asking him. "All right, I will tell you. If you cut my hair, I will be like any man." That night, she cut his hair. "Samson! The Philistines are coming!" she shouted. Samson jumped up but he was as weak as any man. The Philistines tied him in the temple and poked out his eyes. Samson prayed. "My Lord, please remember me. Give me strength one more time." And then he pushed the temple, and it fell down. Everyone in there died. Samson died too.
1. Who was Samson, Why was he so strong?
2. Where was he born?
3. How did Samson killed a lion?
4. What was the secret of his strength?
5. How could he get the power again?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
born |
tricked |
never |
weak |
grew |
temple |
cave |
remember |
bare hand |
push |
secret |
fall down |
tie up |
save |
rope |
broke |
while |
17. God Cares for Naaman (2Kings 5:1~15)
Captain Naaman was a very important soldier. But Captain Naaman had a very bad sickness. He had sore places all over his body. Captain Naaman and his wife were very sad. The little girl who worked for Naaman's wife knew she was sad.
One day the little girl said to them, "In my country there is a man of God. I know he could make Naaman well." Naaman thought and thought. He did not like to be sick. He decided to find the man of God. When Naaman found Elisha, the man of God, Naaman learned how he could be healed from his sickness. "You must dip down in the Jordan River seven times." said Elisha. "All right, I will do what you said." Captain Naaman and his servants went down to the river. Naaman went into the water. He dipped under the water one time, then two times. He dipped three times and four times. He washed himself five times and six times. one more time Naaman dipped into the water. "Look at my skin!" Naaman shouted. "The spots are gone!" Naaman knew that Elisha's God had made his body well. Now Naaman had a healthy body again. Naaman praised God for making him well.
1. What was wrong with Captain Naaman?
2. What did the little girl tell Naaman's wife?
3. How many times did Naaman need to dip into the river?
4. What happened to Naaman the last time he went under the water?
5. Who made Naaman well again?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
important |
servant |
bad sickness |
dip down |
sore |
seven times |
place |
to the river |
country |
one more time |
thought |
shouted |
decided |
spot |
learned |
soldier |
heal |
healthy |
10. Joseph becomes Ruler
After 2 years, Pharaoh had two dreams. They were very strange dreams! He was very much worried about these dreams. The butler remembered Joseph. Here was a good chance to Joseph, so he did. In Pharaoh's first dream, he saw seven fat cows come up out of the water. They were very healthy. And then he saw seven lean cows come up out of the water, and these seven lean cows ate up the seven fat cows.
In Pharaoh's second dream, he saw seven very large ears of corn. And then he saw seven ears of corn which really had no kernels. These seven poor ears of corn ate up the other seven. Joseph was a very wise young man. He was wise because God was with him, and helped him to understand dreams. He told to Pharaoh that these dreams meant there were to be seven years when everything on the farms, everything would grow very well. Then there were to be seven years when nothing would grow. So he told Pharaoh that should store away all the grain and food during the seven years. They could take Joseph's advice, and no one would go hungry Pharaoh was so happy. And Joseph became a ruler of the Egypt.
1. Was Joseph made a ruler in Egypt because he was so wise, or because God arranged it that way?
2. Where Joseph and butler had met before?
3. Why was the king worried about dreams?
4. Who helped Joseph to understand dreams?
5. What was Joseph's advice?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
strange |
grain |
fat |
dreams |
lean |
advice |
large |
first |
kernel |
worried |
meant |
healthy |
wise young man |
everything |
farm |
told |
store |
nothing |
18. In the stomach of a fish
A long time ago, the greatest city in the world was Ninevah. Everyone had heard of Ninevah, and Everyone knew it was an evil place. So God had a job for Jonah. "Go to Ninevah." God said. "I don't want to!" Jonah said. He ran away and jumped on a ship that was sailing for Tarshish. Tarshish was a city in Spain. Jonah thought, "God will never find me there." But God knew where Jonah went. God sent a terrible storm.
The sky turned black. The winds roared. The rain poured down.
The captain said, "Why is the God so angry with us?"
"This is all my fault." Jonah said. "I am running away from God.
Throw me into the sea and you will be saved."
So the sailors threw him into the sea. At once the winds stopped. They thanked God for saving their lives. Meanwhile, Jonah was sinking down into the waters. Even down in the sea, God was with him. God sent Jonah a fish. The fish swallowed Jonah. For three days Jonah sat in the Fish. But he was alive! And he prayed. The fish spit Jonah. Then God said to Jonah. "Now go to Ninevah!" This time Jonah went the right away.
1. Why did he try to run away?
2. What was the work that God wanted him to do?
3. Why was Jonah not drowned when he was thrown overboard from a ship?
4. How long did he stay in the stomach of a fish?
5. Do you believe that God always with me?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
the greatest city |
pour down |
world |
into the sea |
heard |
sink |
run away |
sent |
thought |
save |
terrible |
swallow |
storm |
alive |
turn |
spit |
roar |
knew |
19. The Lion's Den
Daniel was a good worker in babylon. Daniel loved God and God blessed him. Daniel was honest and very kind. Because of this, the people liked him and obeyed him. King Darius liked Daniel also. But the three leaders didn't like Daniel. They were angry and jealous. They watched him every day, all day long. However, they could find nothing wrong with him. Daniel prayed to God every day. Three times a day, every day, he went to the window and prayed to God. The three leaders knew this. So they made the bad plan. "we must make a new law!" They wrote a new law that for the next 30 days, any person found praying to anyone except King Darius would be thrown into a den of hungry lions. The king thought it was a idea. He signed a new law. Next morning, when Daniel prayed to God, three leaders went to King Darius. "Look, Daniel does not obey your law!" The king was sad. Because he loved Daniel. But he could not change the law. Daniel thrown into the lions' den. Daniel was not afraid. He trusted God. He prayed and prayed. The king was worried about Daniel. He couldn't sleep all night. The early next morning, he went to the lion's den. Daniel was alive. "Daniel! Has your God saved you?" "God has sent an angel to close the mouths of the HUNGRY lions. They haven't hurt me." he said. The King Darius was so happy and thankful to God.
1. What made King Darius like Daniel so much?
2. What made the other princes hate Daniel?
3. In what way did the enemies of Daniel try to have King Darius put Daniel to death?
4. Did Daniel change his godly habits in order to save his own life?
5. How did God protect Daniel?
words |
meaning |
words |
meaning |
good worker |
wrote |
honest |
new law |
kind |
change |
obey |
trust |
leaders |
close |
also |
hurt |
however |
wrong |
made |
sent |
except |
jealous |
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